Overview of Clojure's core.async library. It allows to model processes communicating via channels inside your program. Somehow it looks like simplified version of Akka actors, but without supervision and network transparency (though, some work in this direction is planned). Such kind of concurrency style is killer-feature of Go programming language. There is 1985's book "Communicating Sequential Processes", which describes the theory behind it.
My simple example - snack machine simulator, implemented with this library - can be found on GitHub.
Conclusion: interesting thing to try, but probably too low-level for application development.
Light Table is a code editor, which main feature is interactivity. It aims to give you fast feedback from your code. For Clojure development, it allows you to evaluate expressions and see results inline:

(however, this feature is not very useful with lexical scoping).
Another nice feature is smart brackets highlighting with different colours:

For web development it also promises rich interaction with running application, like watching variables.
Light Table is open-source and has a plugin system similar to Sublime's, though, less developed - obvious Git integration plugin didn't work when I tried to install and use it (or I'm just not smart enough).
Conclusion: Not a bad replacement for Sublime Text, if you can live without your favourite plugins.