Sublime Text - GitHub and GitLab integration with Github Tools
Posted on June 10th, 2015
Every day in my work I use Sublime Text editor. It is quite powerful for code and configuration files editing, and a lot of its power comes from plugins.
One of the very handy plugins is Github Tools. It allows you to quickly jump from currently opened file to its page on GitHub, or copy GitHub link to clipboard (or do some other things related to repository, but these two are the most important). You can do it as simply as typing "github open" in command palette (Cmd+Shift+P) - super useful when you want to quickly share something:

Convenience of Github Tools is very addictive, so it was real pain when my employer decided to move all our code to internal self-hosted repository management tool - GitLab. Fortunately, GitLab guys cloned most of GitHub features up to the structure of repository urls. Today I finally figured out that Github Tools might be able to work with GitLab. And it works!
To setup Github Tools with GitLab you need:
1) Open plugin's settings file:

2) Add your GitLab installation hostname along with "":

3) Restart Sublime Text to re-read the config.
4) Enjoy Github Tools functionality with you GitLab repositories.
Some commands like "Pull Requests" won't work (because GitLab has "Merge Requests" instead and different urls for them) - not a big deal.
Intellij IDEA has the same functionality for opening files both on GitHub and Gitlab - you'll easily find corresponding plugins.

Happy hacking!