Two weeks ago team announced that there'll no longer be free version of the blogging platform. From now, they offer 14-days trial and $9/month or $90/year plan with full feature set. As an early adopter I've received 50% discount code and it makes the price quite affordable.

So, what'll you receive for this money:
  • Modest, but tasteful blogging platform based on Evernote. You write a note in Evernote, tag it "published" and it appears as a new blog post. This way you can write everywhere you have Evernote - for example, on iPad (unlike Medium, which editor works only in desktop browser). You can create several blogs with separate notebook for each.
  • Several highly customizable themes for your blog. Here are some of them, check out the rest after sign up:
  • Static pages for personal information, CV, anything.
  • Ability to embed different things like tweets, gists, youtube videos, etc.
  • Add-ons for Disqus comments and Google Analytics, RSS, ability to use custom domain.

What I wait to be released:
  • Post preview functionality on the site. In Evernote you almost see what you get.
  • HTTPS access.

Wrapping up, is beautiful platform for Evernote user who wants to blog without additional effort. I like it most for simplicity, but current feature set seems quite powerful and I see a growth potential. If 9$/month for blogging service is too much, I suggest to write to customer support - chances are they'll give you a discount too.